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May 1, 2023

Practice Expectation Spotlight

Practice Expectation Spotlight: Understanding the Continuing Competency Program (CCP) 

The public expects that Registered Nurses (RNs) provide competent care supported by current evidence and best practices. The College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (College) defines competence as the integration of knowledge, skills, judgement, and personal characteristics that enable RNs to practice safely and ethically.

Every year during Certificate of Practice renewal, RNs demonstrate their commitment to continuing competency by identifying completion of both Part A (self-assessment) and Part B (self-development plan) of their CCP forms to move forward with the renewal process.

The Regulated Health Professions Act, College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba General Regulations identifies in section 1.3, that to be competent to engage in the practice of registered nursing, a member must have the requisite skill, knowledge, and judgement to perform the act or service as part of that practice. 

To encourage continuing competency in registrants, the College promotes self-directed learning. This learning must advance beyond Entry Level Competencies, and should not be expected by role or employer(s). This allows the RN to take control by identifying a need to enhance current knowledge or gain new knowledge relevant to their current practice. This knowledge contributes to the provision of safe, competent, and ethical patient care. 

The program is supportive. It does not assess a nurse’s fitness to practice, or if they are meeting the requirements of their employment.  It encourages self-reflection, provides a framework to integrate self-directed learning needs into practice, provides the opportunity for feedback about their practice from colleagues and clients, and provides resources to maintain and enhance practice in relation to the Practice Expectations. It also ensures nurses are aware of relevant jurisprudence (legislation, regulations, standards, policies) that affect their practice. 

Yearly CCP requirements of all registrants 

The College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba General Regulations also states in section 2.26 that the continuing competency program consists of 

  1. the completion of a jurisprudence learning module that includes an evaluation component; 
  2. the undertaking of a self-assessment process; and 
  3. the preparation and implementation of a self-development plan 

All RNs renewing their Certificate of Practice must complete these requirements annually, even if they are on a leave of absence. The Jurisprudence Module is accessed through their College profile, with the self-assessment and self-development plans accessible on the College website. 

  • RN CCP self-assessment and self-development plan forms 
  • RN(NP) CCP self-assessment and self-development plan forms 

Yearly CCP Review  

Every year a small percentage of registrants are randomly selected to engage in the CCP Review process. This includes sharing their self-development plan with the College during the renewal process and participating in multisource feedback (MSF). 

The MSF questions for colleagues and clients are based on the entry-level competencies for registered nurses and focus on professional behaviour and communication skills. The goal of the feedback is to increase self-awareness, clarify behaviours, encourage personal/professional development, increase accountability, and enhance performance. 

The questionnaires used for MSF can be found on pages 27 – 33 of the CCP Workbook. The scoring rubric used to assess the self-development plans can be found on page 11 of the same workbook. 

Want more information? 

Although the program is a legislated requirement, it is also intended to support Registered Nurses in their commitment to lifelong learning. The College’s Quality Practice Team manages the Continuing Competency Program and is available to support nurses through the CCP process. There are a variety of supports available that include online resources, and virtual presentations through Microsoft Teams which are provided monthly to support different components of the CCP. If more information or support is required, a Quality Practice Team member is available for a one-on-one meeting. 

The team can be reached at or call 204-774-3477 extension 657.