Renewal is now closed.
Read about reinstatementTemporary Pandemic Registration Process for Qualified IENs
Temporary registration process to enable enhanced service provision during COVID-19 pandemic
In light of the current public health emergency, and challenges accessing IELTS and CELBAN language testing due to pandemic restrictions, the College has worked with our partners in government and in the health system to obtain a ministerial order authorizing the College to temporarily waive or modify registration requirements for internationally educated applicants meeting specific criteria.
Eligibility Requirements:
This process applies only to internationally educated nurses (IENs) who meet the following criteria:
- Have completed parts I and II of the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) as defined in policy AA-7.
- Have completed all remedial education required as a result of the PLA through the Bridging Pathway for Internationally Educated Nurses (BPIEN) as determined by the College.
- Do not have a valid language test result on file, and are either:
- Awaiting authorization to write the NCLEX-RN exam; OR
- Have already passed the NCLEX-RN exam in a jurisdiction outside Canada and are awaiting authorization to register.
- Meet all of the eligibility requirements for either:
- The RN(Temporary Practice) class as defined in regulation with the exception of the requirement to be registered in good standing in another Canadian jurisdiction and having a valid language test on file; OR
- The Graduate Nurse (GN) class as defined in regulation with the exception of the requirement to be scheduled to write the NCLEX or awaiting the results as well as having a valid language test on file.
How to apply
Only those IENs who meet all of the requirements (1 through 4) and who are seeking RN(Temporary) or GN registration are encouraged to contact the College at for an application package.
If you do not meet all of the above requirements, we ask that you refrain from calling or emailing the College. We ask for your patience and understanding in that our team is working well above normal service levels to process applications in the timeliest manner possible. We are aiming to focus our efforts on the review and processing of applications from individuals who are eligible for registration at this time.