Employers & Stakeholders

We work together in partnership with employers and other stakeholders to protect and and serve the public interest through quality registered nursing regulation.

Collaboration for quality registered nursing practice

The College works collaboratively with other regulatory bodies, health care employers, government, nursing educators, and other stakeholders to help ensure patient safety, a well-qualified workforce of registered nurses, and provide effective oversight of the profession.

Read about some of the recent trends in registered nursing regulation and collaborative work the College has been engaged in across Manitoba’s health system in our annual report:

2023 Annual Report

Alinity, our new registrant management system, is now online

The College is committed to investing in information technology to build operational efficiencies that support us in achieving our mandate: to serve and protect the public interest. Launched October 2, 2023, Alinity allows the College to leverage better technology to deliver on a more efficient applicant and registrant experience. 

What does this mean for employers and stakeholder organizations?

  1. Key updates to Nurse Check provide enhanced search functionality and ease of verification of a GN, RN, RN(NP) and RN(AP)’s registration status, as well as streamlining the viewing of education and employment information, as well as any applicable notations, conditions or disciplinary actions.
  2. The employer verification system that can be used by employers to verify the registration status of a large number of registrants (typically done during the registration renewal period) now requires an account for use/access.

Related resources

Key Links for Employers and Stakeholders

Understanding RN and RN(NP) Responsibilities

RNs, RN(NP)s and RN(AP)s practise in accordance with standards that are set out in The Regulated Health Professions Act, regulations, practice directions and policies of the College.

Understanding Employer Responsibilities

Employers of registered nurses have specific responsibilities that are defined in our legislation and regulations, including a requirement to verifying that an individual is licensed to practice in Manitoba and reporting certain types of professional conduct issues. Read more:

Nursing Educators

The College sets forth the standards for nursing education programs in Manitoba and works collaboratively with nursing educators to nursing program graduates are prepared for entry to practice. Here are some commonly accessed resources and publications for educators:

Further Reading and Resources

Supervision of Undergraduate Nurse Employees

UNE are unregulated care providers with a scope of employment defined by their employer that includes the performance of Reserved Acts when supervised by a RN or RPN. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that the UNE is currently enrolled in an approved nursing or psychiatric nursing education program.

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Authorized Prescriber Employer Toolkit

A significant public need has been identified for the AP role for Registered Nurses (RNs) and Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPNs). Three central practice areas have been identified as areas of focus for the AP role: sexual and reproductive health; diabetes management; and travel health.

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Duty to Provide Care

Nurses and their employers need to understand nurses’ professional and legal responsibilities related to the duty to provide care. This document is also intended to describe factors that contribute to, and impact on a nurse’s ability to meet their duty to provide care. The College recognizes that a nurse’s ability to do so depends, in part, on employer resources and supports. Read more about these shared responsibilities.

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Criteria for Reserved Acts Requiring Additional Education

Under The Regulated Health Professions Act and the College of Registered Nursing General Regulation, registered nurses may perform 14 different reserved acts, which are specific health care services or procedures performed in the course of providing health care. A number of reserved acts require additional education before the registered nurse (RN) may perform it. Read more about the criteria for additional education and employers’ role in the process.

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