CCP Journey
Every year, more than 13,000 registered nurses in Manitoba embark on a mandated Continuing Competency Program, we call CCP. It is a comprehensive learning system that provides registered nurses and nurse practitioners with a framework to maintain standards, enhance practice, and promote high standards of knowledge to deliver safe, competent, and ethical care.
The purpose of this page is to help you navigate your CCP journey.
Your journey into the Continuing Competency Program is about taking control to further your knowledge in continuing to deliver quality client care. It provides you with the opportunity to enhance your critical thinking, decision-making, and leadership skills. CCP also enables you to have the choice to decide what learning you want to take through this self-directed learning program.
You can learn more about the requirements for this program here.
Your CCP Roadmap (currently being revised)
Note, this section will change throughout the course of the year (sometimes monthly) to provide you with ongoing education on your annual requirements for the CCP. Please refer back this page to see if you are on the right track.
CCP Review Information:
The external vendor is currently reviewing the questionnaires for the multi-source feedback. Upon completion of this review and subsequent provision of information to the College, we will conduct an evaluation of the outcomes. Following this evaluation, we will determine the timeline for mailing out the CCP Review outcomes. Registrants will be notified by email of the mail out date.
CCP Resources:
Achieving Your Annual Requirements: Attend an Information Session
We invite and encourage you to attend a CCP information session that will teach you the various parts of the CCP process. The Quality Practice team is offering one-hour virtual (Microsoft Teams) presentations, that will cover similar information but have different areas of focus. These presentations are organized this way to provide you with the choice to select the presentation type that is right for you!
The information sessions you can choose from are listed below.
To register for any of these information sessions, email with Information Session in your subject line. In the email identify the title and date of the presentation you wish to attend. Once registered, a member of our Quality Practice team will be in contact, close to the session date, to confirm details on how to enter the information session.
Information Sessions
CCP: Your Annual Requirements
If you are new to registered nursing in Manitoba, are a new registered nurse, or want a better understanding of CCP, this presentation is for you. It focuses on a general overview of the CCP program which includes:
- What CCP is and why we have it
- Reviews the three annual CCP requirements
- Reviews what needs to go into a learning plan (LP)
- Briefly reviews the annual CCP Review Process
Dates and Times:
- Wednesday, February 12: 9:00 – 10:00 am
- Thursday, March 20: 2:00 – 3:00 pm
- Monday, April 7: 10:00 – 11:00 am
- Thursday, May 8: 1:00 – 2:00 pm
- Friday, June 13: 9:00 – 10:00 am
- Monday, July 7: 2:00 – 3:00 pm
CCP: Your Learning Plan (LP)
If you are struggling with, or dread completing your annual LP, this information session is for you.
This information session includes:
- A review of the 3 annual requirements
- A brief overview of why we have CCP
- Criteria to consider when creating a LP
- How to identify and select self-directed learning goals and activities
- Goal writing strategies
- How to create a LP that meets criteria
- Impact on practice requirements
Dates and Times:
- Monday, February 24: 9:00 – 10:00 am
- Friday, March 28: 2:00 – 3:00 pm
- Wednesday, April 23: 10:00 – 11:00 am
- Thursday, May 22: 1:00 – 2:00 pm
- Monday, June 9: 9:00 – 10:00 am
- Friday, July 11: 2:00 – 3:00 pm
CCP: The CCP Review Process
Every year, a number of RNs and RN(NP)s are randomly selected to participate in the CCP Review as part of CCP. This session is for those who were selected for the CCP Review Process (in July), or for anyone interested in learning about the review process. These presentations are available from August to October and include information on:
- CCP Review timeline
- How to create a LP that meets criteria
- How to document the LP during certificate of practice renewal
- Multisource Feedback
- Questionnaires
- How to ask for feedback
- LP outcomes
- MSF report and outcomes
Dates and Times:
Dates to be released in June.
Exemplary LPs
What makes a learning plan a great one?
Your self-directed learning is documented every year in a learning plan which is the key requirement that you need to complete as part of your CCP journey. We have included real-life LP examples that were identified as exemplary from 2023 renewal, for your review.
Tip: To see how the College scores your completed LP, please review the rubric outlined in the CCP Workbook.
Take some time to read these LPs and see how they exceeded the criteria outlined by:
- Identifying a clearly self-directed unique or innovative learning goal
- Identifying learning activities that are clearly self-directed, relate to the goal and impact on the RN’s practice
- Having an impact on practice that is well articulated and demonstrates that client care has been, or will be improved as a result of the learning
- Having excellent flow throughout the LP
Examples of LPs
Example 1: Enhancing Knowledge to Better Support Clients
This RN identified a learning goal that was specific and self-directed (enhancement of knowledge). For their learning activities, they not only sought information for themselves, but included the team by setting up a lunch and learn.
Their goal and activities clearly identified an impact on their current practice, as they were able to support and advocate for the clients, support staff with learning, and create educational documents for their clients.
The activities which included education for a team, along with the impact on practice are reasons why this Learning Plan is identified as Exemplary.
Example 2: Recognizing the Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace
In their role, this nurse was able to identify that mental health was a concern among the workforce for which they provided care.
Through educating themselves on workplace stress, the RN was able to recognize the need for early identification to support the workers mental and physical health. They implemented tools and resources into their role to support the workers, which helped to navigate them towards an improved mental health.
The recognition of the need for this goal, along with the flow and connection from goal to activity to impact are reasons this is an exemplary Learning Plan.
Example 3: Advocating for Palliative Care Opportunities in a Remote Location
This RN identified a gap in the resources available to the community in which they provided care. Through their activities they were able to gain knowledge and shine a light on the need for change.
Through collaboration with other teams, they were able to provide palliative care to several clients within their community. Instead of receiving end of life care in a strange place, surrounded by strange people these individuals were surrounded by their family and friends and in an environment that gave them comfort.
The unique learning goal, activities, advocacy, and the impact it is making on a community are some reasons that make this Learning Plan exemplary.
Example 4: Culturally Safe Practice Awareness
The annual self-assessment allowed this RN to identify a lack of awareness around culturally safe practices. Through their activities and self reflection on their own beliefs and biases they were able to look at their nursing practice and identify areas to make positive change.
Their impact on practice identified how changing just a few words in their approach provided an inclusive approach to both students and clients.
The self-reflection in identifying their goal, their awareness, the impact on practice, and the flow throughout made this an exemplary Learning Plan.
Example 5: Steroidal Induced Hyperglycemia
This RN enhanced their knowledge on what to consider for glycemic control when clients are on steroidal medication. Through collaboration they identified what insulins are best suited to improve steroid induced hyperglycemia, including what dose to start a new insulin client on and how to titrate a client’s existing insulin to prevent steroidal induced hyperglycemia.
The specific, self-directed goal and activities, plus the overall flow, collaboration and impact on practice made this Learning Plan exemplary.
Example 6: Inhalers
This RN looked to what was going on in their practice to identify an area of knowledge they wanted to enhance in order to improve their client teaching. This allowed the RN to make small changes in their practice, and teaching which lead to improved client care.
This Learning Plan, although not complex, clearly demonstrates self-directed goal and activities which are relevant to their current practice. The LP has excellent flow, and the impact on practice is well articulated with evidence of improved client care.
Example 7: Approach Change to Trauma Informed Care
Developing a deeper awareness and understanding of individuals experiencing trauma allowed this RN to enhance the care they provide through changes to their interactions and questions.
The use of self-reflection identified a learning opportunity unique to the RN’s work environment. The knowledge attained through their activities was demonstrated in the overall impact to client care. For these reasons, and the overall flow and presentation, this Learning Plan is seen as exemplary.
If you would like to read more examples of LP plans, please visit here.
As a Quality Practice team, we are excited to guide you through your CCP journey. If you have any questions, our team can be contacted at the information below.