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Read moreScope of Practice
Scope of practice refers to the range of activities that registered nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners (RN(NP)s), and nurse authorized prescribers (RN(AP)s) are both educated and authorized to perform.
The legal authority for RN scope of practice in Manitoba is found in the regulations under The Regulated Health Professions Act, and outlines boundaries of registered nursing practice. These boundaries are broad because registered nurses work in a variety of roles and settings throughout our province.
Understanding scope of practice
We work collaboratively with the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba (CLPNM) and the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Manitoba (CRPNM) to interpret the scopes of practice of each of the three nursing professions.
The following documents aim to promote understanding of the concept of scope of practice, how scopes of practice differ among the three nursing professions and the factors to consider when making decisions about the appropriate nurse for the job.