
The 2024 Council Selection process has concluded.

Council is pleased to welcome Naomi Nickerson RN(NP), term beginning on August 1, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to apply.

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Change to selection process

At the College’s Annual General Meeting on June 11, 2021, revisions to the College’s bylaws were approved that replaced the election process for registered nurse (RN) members of Council with a skills-based selection process, and that increased the number of public representatives on Council from four to five. The changes took effect in 2022 and allowed for stronger alignment with the College’s mandate to serve and protect the public interest, facilitate effective succession planning and the creation of a skills-based Council.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of the College?

The College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (“The College”) exists to protect and serve the public interest through quality registered nursing regulation. The College sets the standards for registered nursing practice, supports RNs in meeting those standards, and takes action when the standards are not met.

What is the Council’s Role?

The Council is the College’s governing body, whose mandate is to govern the College and the registered nursing profession in the public interest.

Who makes up the Council?

The Council is comprised of 11 members: six (6) RN members and five (5) public representatives.  

What is the role of a Council Member?

Council members make all decisions within the context of the College’s mandate to protect the public interest. By volunteering to serve on the Council, Council members ensure an important role is fulfilled so that the College can successfully deliver on its mandate to Manitobans. For further information, please refer to policy GP-13 Individual Council Member Role.

What is the term of appointment for Council members?

Successful candidates will be appointed to the Council for three years, with a maximum of two terms. Once the first term expires, Council members are welcomed to reapply through the Council Selection Process if they want to pursue a second term. 

What is the time commitment required for the Council?

Being a Council member requires a significant time commitment.  Council meetings are held for one day, normally on Thursdays, four times a year.  Additionally, Council members are required to serve on one to two Council committees (held four times a year), participate in a Council Retreat, a Council Education Day, and attend the Annual General Meeting.  Preparation time is required to read all materials so that the most effective decisions can be made at Council and committee meetings.  All materials are provided electronically one week in advance of the meeting. 

Do the meetings take place in person?

Council and committee meetings are generally hosted in a hybrid format, meaning there are options for in-person and virtual participation. Hotel accommodations will be provided to out-of-town Council members if required. 

What if the position of Council member conflicts the interest of my other roles/involvements?

Council members are agents of the College and must act in good faith and in a manner consistent with the best interests of the College in all matters. There may be times when Council members, because of other involvements/relationships, will have a conflict of interest or bias, either real or perceived.  Council members are guided by council policies which address conflict of interest.  Oaths of confidentiality are signed by all Council members when they join the Council. 

Is the position of Council member a paid one or volunteer one?

The position as Council member is a volunteer position. However, Council members receive financial compensation for mileage and expenses related to attendance at Council meetings, in accordance with governance policies.  Stipends can also be claimed for those who are not compensated for their service on Council by their employer. 


What criteria will be used for candidate selection?

The College recognizes the importance of building a Council that is reflective of the public whose interest the College is mandated to protect. This includes actively seeking Council members with diverse backgrounds, cultures and perspectives. An applicant’s ability to contribute to a diverse Council composition will be a priority factor in the selection process.  

The following criteria established by the Council, as stated in policy GP-24, may assist individuals wishing to serve on Council to better understand the qualifications and expectations of Council members.

Who is Eligible for Appointment as an RN Member of Council?

In accordance with the College Bylaws and policy, all members on the sub-register of registered nurses who are in good standing are eligible for appointment to Council. This includes members on the extended practice register such as RN(NP)s and members with the RN(AP) notation, except:

  • Graduate nurses (GN)s and members registered for temporary practice in Manitoba 
  • employees of the College;  
  • members residing and working outside of Manitoba;  
  • a member who has completed two consecutive terms as a Council member, where less than two years has passed since the completion of the last term;  
  • a member who has served as the Council Chair, where less than two years has passed since the completion of the term as Council Chair; and 
  • employees or board/council members of a nursing advocacy group or nursing union (e.g., Association of Regulated Nurses of Manitoba and Manitoba Nurses’ Union), where less than two years has passed since the last date of employment or board/Council membership. 

Who is Eligible for Appointment as a Public Representative Member of Council?

In accordance with College policy, in order to be eligible for appointment as a public representative, an individual must meet the following criteria: 

  • are not and never have been registered under The Regulated Health Professions Act
  • are not members of a health profession regulated by an Act of the legislature for which the Minister of Health has statutory responsibility 

In addition, all candidates for appointment as public representatives must also have volunteer or work experience that demonstrates acting in the public interest or the public good. 

Public representatives who are employees or board/Council members of a nursing advocacy group or nursing union (e.g., Association of Regulated Nurses of Manitoba and Manitoba Nurses Union), where less than two years has passed since the last date of employment or board/Council membership, are ineligible to seek service on the College’s Council.  

Can I use the same application I submitted in 2023 for the 2024 process?

Yes. If you provide your first and last name (and registration number for registrant applicants) in an email to appointments@crnm.mb.ca to verify your submission, we can accept your previously submitted application from 2023 for the 2024 council selection process.

What happens after I apply?

The Council Selection Panel will review your application and shortlist candidates to interview. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted 2-4 weeks after the application deadline. Unsuccessful candidates will receive email notifications after the whole Council Selection Process concludes in June 2024. Successful candidates will be announced on the College’s website. 

If I am shortlisted for interview, when and where will the interviews be held?

Interviews will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams or Zoom, based on the preference of the candidates. 

Am I required to provide references or undergo a background check?

You will be required to provide two references that are familiar with you from previous board, volunteer, or work experience. References will be checked following the interview stage if the Council Selection Panel is planning to recommend you as a successful candidate. A criminal record check and a current vulnerable sector check (within 6-months) are required for the successful public representative as a condition for appointment to Council. The cost of conducting a criminal record check may be reimbursed by the College.